Pretty as you please

Green Guide

From field to fashion: The remarkable sustainability of hemp fiber!

From field to fashion: The remarkable sustainability of hemp fiber!

Hemp, or Cannabis, is called a fibre of a hundred uses. From paper and textiles to oils, hemp gives us...

by Navmalika SidhuJuly 8, 2021
The 10 ethical fashion certifications you need to know about

The 10 ethical fashion certifications you need to know about

How do you figure out whether a brand or product is true to its claims or whether it’s just greenwashing its way through? Well, the one way to be assured...

by Navmalika SidhuApril 15, 2021
5 ways to salvage your Holi clothes

5 ways to salvage your Holi clothes

When the fun of smearing each other with gulaal has died down, the festival of colours can leave you, well, a bit colourless at the plight of your clothes. If you’ve been...

by Navmalika SidhuApril 1, 2021
The eco-newbie’s guide to greenwashing

The eco-newbie’s guide to greenwashing

#SustainableFashionHow sincere are brands who use that hashtag? Could they be hoodwinking you into believing they’re something they’re not? More specifically, could they be fooling you into believing they’re eco-friendly...

by PrernaApril 1, 2021
9 ways to make your closet more sustainable… On a budget

9 ways to make your closet more sustainable… On a budget

“Why are sustainable clothes so expensive?” whined a Twitter user on my feed, about a year ago.“If you feel those clothes are too expensive, just don’t buy,” I replied. “But I...

by PrernaMarch 14, 2021
Make your laundry more sustainable for an eco-friendly wardrobe

Make your laundry more sustainable for an eco-friendly wardrobe

The most sustainable garment is the one already in your wardrobe.’ - Orsola de Castro, co-founder, Fashion Revolution Sustainability can often be achieved by just carefully observing and correcting little things we...

by Navmalika SidhuMarch 7, 2021
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