Green Guide
5 ways to salvage your Holi clothes
When the fun of smearing each other with gulaal has died down, the festival of colours can leave you, well, a bit colourless at the plight of your clothes. If you’ve been...
The eco-newbie’s guide to greenwashing
#SustainableFashionHow sincere are brands who use that hashtag? Could they be hoodwinking you into believing they’re something they’re not? More specifically, could they be fooling you into believing they’re eco-friendly...
9 ways to make your closet more sustainable… On a budget
“Why are sustainable clothes so expensive?” whined a Twitter user on my feed, about a year ago.“If you feel those clothes are too expensive, just don’t buy,” I replied. “But I...
Make your laundry more sustainable for an eco-friendly wardrobe
The most sustainable garment is the one already in your wardrobe.’ - Orsola de Castro, co-founder, Fashion Revolution Sustainability can often be achieved by just carefully observing and correcting little things we...