Pretty as you please

Green Guide

9 things to keep in mind when organizing a swap party… From an expert

image by freepik medium-shot-woman-clothes-shopping

I founded The Shift, India, in 2022, in an endeavour to redefine fashion norms, by empowering people to contribute to a more conscious, circular fashion industry. We believe, the trusted way to reduce the impact of our clothes, on the environment, is by increasing their lifespan. And so, The Shift has been hosting swap parties

9 things to keep in mind when organizing a swap party… From an expert Read More »

What is fast fashion, and why we should be worried

Photo by Harry Cunningham on Unsplash for Pretty as you please

Fast fashion is a business model wherein popular fashion brands bring out new collections, often inspired by high fashion runways, at an alarming frequency—according to some estimates, as often as twice a week. These collections are mass-produced, with little attention to production practices, quality or their cost to the environment and the people who make

What is fast fashion, and why we should be worried Read More »

What is sustainable fashion?

Photo by Harper Sunday on Unsplash for

Let’s be completely honest: There’s no such thing as sustainable fashion. The idea of sustainability and the nature of the fashion industry are inherently at odds with each other. According to McKinsey’s August 2020 Fashion on Climate report, the fashion industry alone contributed a staggering 2.1 billion metric tons in global greenhouse gas emissions, in

What is sustainable fashion? Read More »