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Green Guide

Leather 2.0: 5 insanely cool plant-based alternatives taking the fashion world by storm!

In a previous article we published, we spoke about plant-based leathers. The wonderful part is, we live in a time and age when technology and innovation have ensured there’s no dearth of these plant-based vegan leather alternatives. As a  part of Slow Fashion India’s Know Your Leather campaign, and in a continuation to the previous

Leather 2.0: 5 insanely cool plant-based alternatives taking the fashion world by storm! Read More »

5 plant-based leathers you need to know about

Rebecca Cappelli’s Slay, a euphemism as good as any, revealed the ugly truth behind fashion’s ‘natural materials’. The most heartbreaking for me, personally, was the reality of the leather industry. From the inhuman treatment of the animals to the harmful effects this industry poses on the people employed by it, the documentary ignited something in

5 plant-based leathers you need to know about Read More »