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Green Guide

The eco-newbie’s guide to greenwashing

#SustainableFashion How sincere are brands who use that hashtag? Could they be hoodwinking you into believing they’re something they’re not? More specifically, could they be fooling you into believing they’re eco-friendly and that they stand for social justice when they really don’t? Portraying themselves as icons of ethics and consciousness when what they’re doing is

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Make your laundry more sustainable for an eco-friendly wardrobe

The most sustainable garment is the one already in your wardrobe.’ – Orsola de Castro, co-founder, Fashion Revolution  Sustainability can often be achieved by just carefully observing and correcting little things we do every day. Like our laundry! The average family does anywhere between 8 to 10 loads of laundry a week. According to WRAP UK,

Make your laundry more sustainable for an eco-friendly wardrobe Read More »

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