Pretty as you please


3 items you definitely should be thrifting

Thrifting embodies a dual purpose: Marrying fashion with sustainability. If you love thrifting, you probably understand its economic value and its environmental impact. This mindful practice directly curtails the demand for new production, resulting in reduced waste and carbon emissions. But if you’re new to thrifting, you probably struggle with where to start and what […]

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Is plastic really the devil?

pretty as you please asks is plastic the real devil? Photo by Ravin Rau on Unsplash

Every time we speak of sustainability, the conversation invariably circles around to plastic and how we can and should stop buying and/or using plastic. Plastic seems to be the omnipresent evil. And it is everywhere. In our bottles, in our clothes, in our ‘paper’, in our food, and if recent reports are anything to go

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Fashion and the SDGs: An arts contest by Fashion Revolution India

It’s been 10 years since one of fashion’s largest human tragedies took place, at the Rana Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Every year since, Fashion Revolution, the world’s largest organization advocating for change in the garment and textile industry, in the wake of the disaster, has been organizing a Fashion Revolution Week. Part of this Week,

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5 plant-based leathers you need to know about

Rebecca Cappelli’s Slay, a euphemism as good as any, revealed the ugly truth behind fashion’s ‘natural materials’. The most heartbreaking for me, personally, was the reality of the leather industry. From the inhuman treatment of the animals to the harmful effects this industry poses on the people employed by it, the documentary ignited something in

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